Dassow FAQ

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There are two cities with the name Dassow: Dassow, Germany (53� 55' 0.12"N, 10� 58' 59.88"E) and Dassow, Poland (54� 4' 59.88"N, 15� 52' 59.88"E). They are approximately 200 miles apart. Dassow, Poland has recently been renamed to Daszewo, Poland.

The name for Dassow, Germany is of Polish origin. The original name was "Dartzowe" which is Polish for thorn bush. Over the years the name changed to "Dartzow", "Darsowe", "Dassaw" and finally "Dassow". The city is probably named after the thorn bushes growing on rocky ground near the city. The city crest for Dassow, Germany is a castle gate with a thorn bush growing in it. The City of Dassow, Germany was founded in the year 968.

The Dassower Lake is adjacent to Dassow, Germany [translate] (Michelin map, Google map) . The town of Dassow in the district Nordwestmecklenburg is the only large settlement at the lake bank.
The Dassower Lake - a nearly locked side bay of the Travemuendung - lies northeast from Luebeck (Schleswig-Holstein) in direct proximity to the Baltic Sea.
It is not really a lake, but brackish water - a bay, which together with the P�tenitzer Wiek [translation] is separated from the open ocean and the Bay of L�beck by the Priwall Peninsula. The approximately 8 km long Dassower lake has a funnel-like form, which narrows itself in the west (delta into the Trave) outgoing from the delta of the river Stepenitz [translation] in the east, again on approximately 300 m. The lake belonged to the city of Luebeck, and forms the border to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . As homeland of approximately 30 kinds of ducks, the Dassower Lake is one of the largest bird protection areas of Germany. The lake provides refuge and is also an important racing and wintering area for Nordic water birds along with the two islands of Graswerder (Ploenswerder) and Roehrichtbestaenden. The entire bank range of the Dassower lake and the lake stand have been under protection of the European union since 1983.
Schloss L�tgenhof (Castle L�tgenhof) is situated on the banks of the Dassower Lake. Moritz von Paepcke designed and built this castle in 1839. Schloss L�tgenhof has been converted to a restaurant and hotel with 23 rooms.
The majority of Dassows in the United States live in Wisconsin with a large concentration in Medford, Wisconsin (map, city information). Trinity Lutheran Church is located at W5334 Dassow Avenue, Medford, WI 54451. There is also a Dassow Road in Medford, Wisconsin. There are approximately 187 Dassow households in the United States. Outside of the United States, Germany has the largest concentration of Dassows. There are few Dassow households outside of the United States and Germany: Two in Canada, two in Australia, seven in Great Britain and an unknown number in Brazil.
There was a Dassow School (historical) School in Livingston County, Illinois which is in Central Illinois. According to St. Paul's Luteran Church/125th anniversary: The Germanville church began meeting in a building known as the DASSOW SCHOOL in 1879. In 1901, a new building was constructed at a cost of $1,300, on land donated by the FROEDBE family. Older congregational members remember the big stove used to heat the building and the beautiful lanterns hanging from the ceiling that were lowered by ropes to light. this building still stands and serves as the Germanville Township Town Hall.There is a Dassow Court in Alpharetta, Georgia.
According to PLACESNAMED.COM and the US Census Bureau Dassow is the 52,272nd most popular last name (surname) in the United States; frequency is 0.000%; percentile is 86.286 [SourceCBN]
The standard pronunciation of Dassow is [D AE1 S OW0 ] according to The Carnegie Mellon University Pronouncing Dictionary and the Cool Dictionary.
Erwin Geschonneck plays Luden Dassow in the movie Tambari (1977).
A group of people with the last name of Dassow came to Brazil during the period of the colonization of the state of Rio Grande do Sul among 1830 to 1870,
The earliest recorded person with the last name of Dassow is Hinrich Dassow who was born about 1610 in Mecklenburg-Schwerin and died January 16, 1690 in Biestow. He married in 1640 and had five children including Hans Dassow.
Other early recorded persons with the last name of Dassow include:
  • Trine Dassow was born 1629 in Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She died August 1684 in Schutow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was buried August 6, 1684 in Biestow. She married Jacob Kleinow on July 17, 1650 in Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had eight children: Hans Kleinow, Cathrina Kleinow, N.N. Kleinow, N.N. Kleinow, N.N. Kleinow, Jacob Kleinow, and Wendula Kleinow.
  • N.N. Dassow was born October 1640 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was baptized October 26, 1640 in Biestow die Kleinkindtaufe. She died in 1640 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
  • N.N. Dassow was born in November 1642 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was baptized November 27, 1642 in Biestow die Kleinkindtaufe.
  • Frentz Dassow married Anna Scharen before 1642. He died before 1643.
  • Hans Dassow was born in January 1645 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. He was baptized on January 17, 1645 in Biestow die Kleinkindtaufe. He died in September 1691 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. He was buried September 2, 1691 in Biestow bestattet. Er married Dorothe Rehder on November 29, 1677 in Barnstorf/ Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. He had four children: Hinrich Dassow, Trien Dassow, Dorthie Dassow and Wendel Dassow.
  • N.N. Dassow was born in December 1646 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. He was baptized December 23, 1646 in Biestow die Kleinkindtaufe.
  • N.N. Dassow was born in March 1649 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin geboren. She was baptized on March 28, 1649 in Biestow die Kleinkindtaufe.
  • Magadalene Dassow who was born about 1655. She married Peter Uhrbrock about 1676 and had two children Peter Uhrbrock and Marie Magdalene Uhrbrock. [Source Family Search]
  • Anna Maria Dessow who was born about 1659 in Hamburg, Germany. This may be the Anna Dassow who married Hans Luedemann.
  • Jochim Dassow was born in September 1669. He was baptized on September 15, 1669 in Parkentin. He died in December 1745. He was buried on December 23, 1745. He married Christin Bulle on October 25, 1694 in Steffenshagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin.
  • Trien Dassow was born in April 1680 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Sie was baptized in April 1680 in Biestow.
  • Anna Dassow who was born on January 3, 1682. Her father was Daniel Dassow, although this is probably a different person than the person who married married Trine Petersen.
  • Dorthie Dassow was born in October 1682 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin geboren. She was baptized October 5, 1682 in Biestow die Kleinkindtaufe. She died June 1726 in Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was buried June 25, 1726 in Biestow. She married Harm Kempe on December 4, 1710 in Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had eight children: Johan Peter Kempe, Ann Wendul Kempe, N.N. Kempe, Sophia Dorthe Kempe, Catharin Kempe, Ann Mari Kempe, Harm Christian Kempe and Ann Wendul Kempe.
  • There is another Anna Dassow who married Hans Luedemann on November 5, 1683 in Brunstorf, Schleswig-Holstein, Preussen.
  • Wendel Dassow was born in January 1685 in Barnstorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was baptized around January 21, 1685 in Biestow.
  • Ann Erdmuth Dassow was born in 1685. She died in July 1720 in Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was buried July 22, 1720 in Biestow bestattet. Sie married Clau� Manke on November 26, 1706 in Kirche Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had four children: Jochen Peter Mahn, Hans Mahh, Hinrich Mahn and Clau� Mahn.
  • Nicolaus Dassow who was the rector for the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universit�t Greifswald (University of Greifswald) in the years 1688, 1689 and 1693.
  • Daniel Dassow who married Trine Petersen in 1691 at the Church of M�nchow (image).
  • Margaretha Dassow was born around 1707. She died around 1751. She married Han� Havemann on October 15, 1728 in Lambrechtshagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had one child:  Maria  Elisabeth Havemann.
  • Anna Catharina Dassow was born around 1718. She died in September 1781 in Rethwisch, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was buried on September 23, 1781 in Rethwisch bestattet. She married Peter Hagedorn on October 23, 1739 in Rethwisch, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had six children: Jochen Hinrich Hagedorn, Hans Friederich Niclas Hagedorn, Catharina Margareta Hagedorn, Johann Peter Hagedorn, David Christian Hagedorn and Mstr. Carl Martin Hagedorn.
  • Hinrich Dassow date of birth is unknown. He married Margaretha Mesecke. He had one child: Ann Lisch Dassow.
  • Caroli Magni Dassow . . . Nova Plantarum Genera. See 1470; supra : [XII. These, &c. Collections. 1749-90...1279.] Caroli Linn~ei . . . Am0enitates Academic~v, d~c.; Vol. 1. no. 4. pp. 110-143. 8 �. 1749. Lugduni Batavorum.Without the Corollarium.
  • Ann Lisch Dassow was born in August 1757 in Allershagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She was baptized on August 24, 1757 in Parkentin. She died on May 20, 1832 in Allershagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She died of old age. She was buried on May 23, 1832 in Parkentin. She married Peter Bade on December 3, 1779 in Parkentin, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had one child: Jochim Peter Bade.
  • Margaretha Elisabeth Dassow was born in 1784 or 1785. She died on January 1, 1819 in Nieder Steffenshagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She died due to fluid retentionon January 5, 1819 in Steffenshagen. Sie married Johann Jochim Andres Schmarbeck before 1807. She six children: Maria Elisabeth Schmaddebeck, Johann Joachim Gottlieb Schmaddebeck, Margaretha SOPHIA Elisabeth Schmaddebeck, Margaretha Elisabeth Schmaddebeck, Johann Joachim Schmaddebeck and Engel Maria Elisabeth Schmaddebeck.
  • Caroline Wendula Dorothea Dassow was born on February 6, 1835 in Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She married Hans Carl Bese on February 22, 1867 in Biestow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. She had one child: Albrecht Heinrich Barten.
Notable Dassows include:
Please sent corrections to Dan Dassow (dan_dassow@yahoo.com).
Last Updated: Saturday, May 12, 2007 08:28:28 PM
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